Skokie Aerial Photographs, c. 1964

A Community History Using Old Maps

Skokie Historical Society

Chicago Neighborhood History Project

Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography at the Newberry Library

16. Skokie Aerial Photographs, c. 1964

Here is the northern part of Skokie in a vertical aerial photograph of 1964. The expressway appears on the left. It was one of the principal reasons for the great development of that area which has resulted in virtually all the land being covered with houses, shops, and factories. The only large expanse of open land is the golf course, which also appears prominently in map 12.

Not many features from the early days are now in evidence. The great exception is the diagonal road system formed by Gross Point Road and Niles Center Road, still following the ancient ridge lines, and now bearing a great weight of traffic. The placing of most of the other features is the result of the surveys of the early nineteenth century, which have given us this characteristic checkerboard pattern.


Photograph: Chicago Historical Society


The Chicago Neighborhood History Project is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities through the Skokie Public Library.

[Original] Web design by Jimmy Zhu (Skokie Public Library) and Pat Witry (Skokie Historical Society) ©2006