Skokie Aerial Photographs, c. 1938

A Community History Using Old Maps

Skokie Historical Society

Chicago Neighborhood History Project

Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography at the Newberry Library

15. Skokie Aerial Photographs, c. 1938

In terms of houses and inhabitants, Niles Center in 1938 was not much larger than it had been fifty years earlier.  This aerial photograph, taken about 1938, shows that there were many subdivisions, but their roads were often grassed over and there were few houses on them. Most of the people still lived either around the two Vs in the old center, or in the isolated farm-houses, often standing at cross-roads.

There are still some greenhouses to be seen near Saint Peter's church, and two new school buildings have appeared on Lincoln Avenue. Skokie Boulevard now swings under the railroad tracks, which are carried on three bridges, and some orchards can be identified south of Touhy Avenue. The local school, first shown on map 7, can still be located, but its site will soon be just a flowered meadow by the expressway which somebody has penciled in. This is the very end of Niles Center. Two years later it will become Skokie.


Photograph: Chicago Historical Society.


The Chicago Neighborhood History Project is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities through the Skokie Public Library.

[Original] Web design by Jimmy Zhu (Skokie Public Library) and Pat Witry (Skokie Historical Society) ©2006