Fair Housing in Skokie, 1961-1971 IntroductionA Discriminatory HistoryView item 868Creation of the Skokie Human Relations Commission, 1961-1962View item 790View item 874View item 791The Skokie Plan, 1965-1966View item 885View item 884Responses to the Skokie Plan, 1966View item 794View item 876View item 873View item 797View item 830View item 796The Illinois Senate Fair Housing Bill, 1966-1967View item 833View item 818Passing the Fair Housing Ordinance, 1967View item 808View item 866View item 835View item 840View item 843View item 847View item 854Drafting and amending the Fair Housing Ordinance, 1967-1969View item 801View item 870View item 867View item 858View item 871Skokie after fair housing, 1968-1971View item 859View item 805View item 879Gwendoline Fortune: a firsthand account of Skokie in transitionView item 865View items 886, 887About this collectionFair Housing Event - 2024Resources Fair Housing in Skokie, Item 879 Item title: Resolution of Skokie Human Relations Commission, March 26, 1971 Skokie Human Relations Commission resolution endorsing the concept of building low-income housing in Skokie, Illinois. View item metadata.