Letter from George C. Klehm to Amelia Louise Klehm, 1896


Letter from George C. Klehm to Amelia Louise Klehm, 1896


A letter written by George C. Klehm to his daughter, Amelia Louise Klehm, after her completion of Nursing School at Chicago Baptist Hospital in 1896. He discusses her career options and expresses concern at her interest in studying medicine further, becoming a doctor. He suggests that high tuition costs would not be affordable for their large family. Nursing choices are also explored: She could become a nurse for an "eminent physician" in Minneapolis or the Assistant Head Nurse at Chicago Baptist Hospital. George C. Klehm suggests that even though the Assistant Head Nurse would be a smaller salary, it would be the better option because going to an unfamiliar place with someone she does not know may not be safe. He then expresses concern for her health and invites her to come home to take a vacation.




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Skokie Historical Society, Skokie, Illinois

Spatial Coverage

Skokie -- Illinois -- United States; Chicago -- Illinois -- United States


“Letter from George C. Klehm to Amelia Louise Klehm, 1896,” Skokie History Digital Collections, accessed May 1, 2024, https://skokiehistory.omeka.net/items/show/1021.